Today and last week we released new versions of the Flutter mobile apps for iPhone and Android. We advise all customers who have an app published with the new Publishing to do a Store update, because these changes will definitely improve the performance of your app.
Apple + Google App
- Resolved: We have resolved a lot of small issues which improve the performance of your app. This also involves cases where your users would see a small message at the top of the screen telling them that "Something went wrong". We have fixed a lot of those cases.
- Resolved: If you had a link in a text, the link wasn't formatted in the Supporting text color and the link sometimes didn't work.
- Resolved: When there was only 1 featured item, the item wasn't shown at the top of the list.
- Resolved: German translation of the text "No data available" was missing.
- Resolved: When viewing a photo the pinch and zoom sometimes resulted in swiping to the next photo.
- Resolved: custom Numbered list items weren't shown in the correct way.
- Improved: We have improved the offline caching of information in your app, so that when a users has opened your app when connected to the internet, that same information will be visible for the user if he later opens the app offline.
- Removed: A splash screen is shown during the 0.5 second that your app starts. Because the scaling of the splash screens didn't work as good on all types of devices, we decided to remove this functionality for now. During that 0-0.5 seconds period when the app is loaded, a loading cursor will be shown instead. We do plan to bring back this functionality in a more advanced way, so that the splash screen will look great on all types of devices.
Apple App Store - App
- Resolved: Sometimes we weren't correctly storing if a user wanted to receive push messages. We have fixed that issue. You need to do a new store update. When these users will upgrade to that new version, their apps will be correctly registered when they open the app.
- Resolved: The permission texts which were entered in AppMachine at 'Apple App Store > Edit store info > App Permissions' weren't used in the app itself.

Google Play Store - App
- Resolved: Our own proprietary 'Update available' message will not be shown anymore, because Google doesn't allow that. Customers will see that your app has a new update via the regular way apps get updated via the Google Play Store.
- Resolved: When the first screen was an 'Information' block with a lot of content, the app wouldn't start.
Classic > New Publishing
- Resolved: When a Xamarin app was published via the new Flutter publish for the first time, the push notification certificate wasn't copied over automatically.