If you have an Apple Developer account then you're on the right track to getting your app published. If not, please visit Creating an iOS Developer Account to learn more about getting one.

To enter your developer account credentials, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Publish page of the app you'd like to publish.
  2. Click on the text "Enter your license here" in the "Apple App Store" section of the "Publish" page.
  3. Select "Use my own developer license" and click "Next"
  4. Select the appropriate answer from the screen shown below.
    Options 1, 2 and 4 require only entering your developer credentials. 
    Option 3 requires uploading your .p12 certificate.

  5. Enter your developer credentials.
  6. Our platform will automatically validate your credentials. If your username and password are correct, we can proceed to upload the app to the Apple App Store.