If you want your company to be featured on AppMachine's sites, you can now fill in all the details on our site. You will then be shown automatically on our website https://www.appmachine.com/resellers

You will be shown with your contact information so that AppMachine customers can contact you directly and ask for help to build or design their app.

How to

  1. Go to https://design.appmachine.com and login;
  2. Select the Reseller tab in the account settings in the dropdown at the top-right of the screen.
  3. Select the General tab
    Here you can add business information which is used on the White Label Client CMS or on https://www.appmachine.com/resellers
  4. Fill in all the information and check the box "I want to be featured..."
  5. Go to https://www.appmachine.com/resellers to see how it looks. Even if you change your information, it will be changed immediately on our site.