AppMachine will submit your app for approval at Apple. Apple assesses your app according to a set of technical, content, and design criteria to make sure it works as it should and does not contain any objectionable content. Apple’s rules and regulations are very strict and it’s important to follow them closely. You can read here what Apple has to say.

An app can be rejected for any number of reasons, but pay good attention to the following.If the title contains the word ‘marketing’ the app will most likely be rejected. Apps that are created specifically for the marketing and advertising industry are an absolute ‘no-go’ for Apple. What is more, AppMachine will not upload apps of this kind for you. They conflict with two of Apple’s golden rules:

    • Apps may not be purely marketing-based. In other words, an app may not consist solely of an overview of products and services, or a portfolio. Apps must have a clear function.

    • They must contain dynamic content. Apps cannot be interesting for just one use. They must have a clear purpose so that people will want to to use them more than once.

Remember: even if you think that your app isn’t breaking any of these rules, it’s Apple’s opinion that counts. If they think you’re breaking any of the golden rules, they’ll reject your app. We will keep you apprised and advise you about how to deal with these issues.