If you'd like to transfer ownership of the app to another AppMachine account, please follow these steps:

How to invite team members to an app

This process is essentially the same as inviting a team member to the app but, instead of granting administrative or read-only rights, you are transferring control of the app to another AppMachine account.

  1. Select the 'My Apps' tab.
  2. Select the app you wish to invite team members to.
  3. Open the "Dashboard" section in the left vertical menu.
  4. Click on the 'Invite a Member' button in the 'Team Members' section.
  5. Fill in the email address of the person you'd like to invite to the app.
  6. Select the Owner role. This role can build, design, manage content and, ultimately, delete the app.
  7. Click Finish

You have now transferred ownership of the app from one AppMachine account to another. Please note that it may take some time for the app to appear in the new owner's account. To force your app list to refresh and for the app to appear in the user list, simply create a new test app. When a new app is created the app list is forced to refresh.